Posts tagged with Code

In this episode of Functional Programming in JavaScript, we discuss pure functions. You probably already use pure functions all the time and are unaware of what they are or what advantages they bring to your code base. Watch the Youtube below to find out why p…

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In this episode, we look at the reduce function and how to use it. Reduce is a massively flexible function. In this video, we use it to transform an array of data into an object and use it to recreate the filter function. How it's used An example of how the re…

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In today's episode, we'll learn how to use the filter function and how it can be chained with other array functions such as map. If you've not seen the previous episode, you can find it here. The Map Function. The filter function is part of the array object. I…

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Today I am pleased to bring you what will be the first episode in a series of videos on Functional Programming in JavaScript. This episode covers the map function. To see more of my videos, check out my other screencasts The map function is part of the array o…

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As we know, Node.js is a single threaded JavaScript runtime. A node process can only use a maximum of 1 CPU core and around 1.5GB of RAM. In this article, I will show you how we can use the Node.js cluster module to node processes to allow your app to take ful…

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The JavaScript Fetch API replaces XMLHttpRequest for making network requests from client side apps. One of the main differences is that XMLHttpRequest uses callback functions to handle the response where as Fetch uses promises. Let's look at an example of each…

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With the release of the Async/Await syntax in JavaScript we now have a succinct and highly legible way of writing asynchronous code. In this article, I'll cover how to use Async/Await functions and why they are better than promises. Let's start by using the Fe…

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The Javascript spread operator is something I use on a daily basis. If you use Redux, or need to write any kind of functional JavaScript then you need to know how to use the spread operator. So what is the spread operator and how is it used? Lets see what the…

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With the release of ES2015, we now have three ways of defining variables in JavaScript. var, let and const. Let me explain the difference. Pun fully intended. There are some important differences between them and in this article, we'll discuss the differences…

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With the release of EcmaScript2015/ES6, JavaScript has undergone major changes. Amongst these major changes is the addition of javascript arrow functions. In this article , am going to explain what an arrow function is and how to use it. What is an arrow funct…

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